in TVA’s fiscal year 2015 budget approved by the TVA Board this week was a $215
million contribution to TVARS. TVA’s CEO was also given the discretion to
contribute up to an additional $60 million. Per the TVA press briefing
excerpt below, funding the pension is “one of several issues TVA must manage as
it balances the interests of plan participants, our customers and the overall
financial condition of TVA.” TVA notes that a 63 percent funded system
with a $4.3 Billion shortfall, “is an improvement over last year, when
the system was funded at 59 percent.”
did not address why pension funding continues to be withheld even as funds are
collected from ratepayers to specifically cover pension costs. Based on
information received by TVA retiree Dan Pitts from TVA through a Freedom of
Information Act request, TVA expects to collect $528 million from its
ratepayers in the current fiscal year specifically to cover pension costs, but
plans to contribute only $250,000,000 to the pension. TVA collected
$539 million in fiscal year 2013 and $530 million in fiscal year 2012,
but contributed none of these funds to TVARS.
also did not explain how TVA remains in compliance with the part of the TVA Act
that spells out what costs have priority over bond payments. The Act
specifies that Operating, Maintenance and Administrative costs (which include
pension costs) have priority over TVA's bond payments and that bonds are to be
paid only after costs of operating, maintaining, and administering the electric
system are paid.

Press Briefing Q&A
Board of Directors Meeting
21, 2014
is the status of TVA’s pension plan?
is committed to meeting its obligation to the TVA Retirement System. With
the prolonged slow recovery of the economy and changing demographics, the TVA
Retirement System is facing financial pressure, like many other retirement
systems across the nation. The system was 63 percent funded at the end of
fiscal year 2013. This is an improvement over last year, when the system was
funded at 59 percent.
funding is one of several issues TVA must manage as it balances the interests
of plan participants, our customers and the overall financial condition of TVA.
TVA expects to contribute $250 million total to the pension this year, half
of which was contributed in the second quarter.
TVA recently make changes to its pension plan?
hired after June 30, 2014, will be participating in a new defined contribution
retirement plan. Under this plan, TVA will make contributions to the
employee’s 401K plan in addition to matching 75 percent of the first 6 percent
of the employee’s own contributions. This continues to provide a
competitive retirement option that allows TVA to more effectively manage their
future liabilities.
hired before July 1 are unaffected by this change.
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